A wild wolf appeared!
A Scratch/TurboWarp Developer
Journey starts with FasyCity... Bad games made on Scratch, janky, bad art, everything else bad in there.
Then changed to Pawtualang
Pawtualang is a broken game about romance but I never got a romance genre in my entire life lol ( At that time :3 )
And... Musky Night Fun
I don't really know why this game made a hit back then, the game was made in under a week. I made this game to test how fast can I made a game using Scratch. The game was really broken, the code are hanging out begging for a extra nail for hanging out even longer x3.
Heh... now I continue the character journey, I love Musky, cuz he was created by her cutely ( Haiku ), He's a cute cool guy, Laugh in dollars.
First Game jam and won heheheh
Just Open The Door
A Unity 3D game. Making it to learn, now I never gonna use it prob...
Furry Of Forest!
It's a test game.
The game that made a sale... But the game itself is broken because it took way too long to develop and it still uses my bad old coding structure. But people seems to love it :3
Or hate it...
To be continued...